Lack of Truth Telling

I was struck by something today. People lie…a lot.

Not only do they lie…they simply just don’t care enough to tell the truth to others about how the feel or what they think. I’ve experienced this in every area of my life. As a neighbor, as a member of the local PTA, as a church member, as a professional, and primarily in the realm of healing prayer.

We find that the people that get free from sin and darkness are the people that are willing to come clean before Jesus. The people that are willing to push through the potential pain and fear that comes with revealing their true hearts are the ones who see the most growth.

The truth is, it’s just hard. Most of our lives we are caught up in worrying about what other people think of us. Or we think we are going to miss out on something. So we lie. Just little ones of course…but we lie just to keep the peace.

I don’t want my life to just “keep the peace”. I want to be a truth teller and a truth revealer. As truth and light come into my life I grow. I get exposed. I get challenged to really think about the kind of man I am…and the kind of man I want to be.

My prayer is that we all grow together in being transparent with one another.

Here is a funny video I just saw that illustrates my point…

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