Healing, Growth & Apprehension

Megan and I are growing at a very rapid rate right now. We are learning more about what it means when Christ said he came to “set the captives free”. Most of my experience (at least my perceived experience) growing up  was a whole lot more about behavior modification than it was focused on setting me free to follow Jesus with my entire life. The power of the Gospel is at work in our lives in new and transforming ways.

As I read more scripture and look through the Old Testament and New Testament I see this imagery more and more. The Israelites, the leper, Mary Magdalene, and so many more…

The growth that we are seeing is based in healing and deliverance ministry. Through bible study, practical teaching from Dr. Charles Kraft, and encouragement from our mission agency, we have begun a deep plunge into this area of ministry. I’ve been watching things happen in my life over the last 15 years in regards to supernatural events and prayers…but there hasn’t been (until now) a solid Orthodox Christian understanding of what it all means.

I’ve realized that my own apprehension about the supernatural has kept me from engaging it in a biblical way. So here’s what happening…

God is showing up in power through healing prayer. Since coming home from my conference in California I’ve had several “inner healing” prayer sessions with people. Here is what I’m finding…most people are afraid of being known and therefore have a very direct fear of actually being healed. This is understandable. Often the pain of our past makes us hesitant to revisit these memories. However, as I have watched people go through this healing prayer they are being set free to become all that they are created for. The power of Christ heals all wounds and sets us FREE. This freedom is a total freedom…not a partial one.

As I’ve prayed with my friends (including Megan) I have seen people find healing in their past for things they didn’t even realize were still affecting them. In some of these cases demonization has occurred. Christians cannot be possessed or oppressed by demonic forces; it is true though that people can become demonized…the original language says “to have a demon”. This can happen through trauma, family brokenness, sexual brokenness, death, violence, or other significant life experiences. In many of the cases where we’ve prayed for inner healing we’ve seen people set free from these demonic forces.

People that we have prayed with are finding freedom through inner healing prayer and by casting out demons if they are present. This is totally and completely the power of God at work. It has nothing to do with who we are; and everything to do with God. A year ago I would have said that this was crazy, but today I am actually seeing it happen.

Many of you who read this may be apprehensive about what I’m saying. I understand that and would love to talk with you more if you are interested.

If you’d like Megan and I to pray with you, or if you’d like to talk more about what we are learning please get in touch! We’d love to share more and encourage you.



2 thoughts on “Healing, Growth & Apprehension

  1. Hi. I enjoyed reading your blog and the Sweet Spirit that flowed through it. GOD is just really good. I am the sister of Laurie Williams, (Norris) in Cashmere, WA.

    John and I would appreciate prayers our way. We’re here in Gilbert, AZ in as wonderful a neighborhood as you described. Why are we here after a difficult two years at a children’s home?

  2. not apprehensive at all – PRAISE GOD. nice to find like-minded people at HPPC! I’ve been doing this for more than 25 years & will be teaching a series in Bible Focus class this summer on all of this – feel free to come & chime in. If not, you have my prayers & I’ve got your back: carry on

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